Mike Beever Piano Tuning Info

Mike covers the whole top of the south and travels as far as Collingwood and Picton and as far south as Murchison and everywhere in between. Trips further afield are done on a requested basis with the minimum of a weeks work or 15-20 pianos (get in touch)

Although based in Nelson Mike travels to Marlboro once a month for a two day (8 piano) trip. Please book early if you are in Marlborough to avoid missing out. There are usually three trips to Golden Bay (April, Sept & Dec depending on demand)

Tuning rates are from $150 (discounted schools & multiple pianos) to $295 maximum distance.(2hours + 90 Minute tuning)

Pitch raises are charged at full tuning price + extra hour so typically $185 + $100 in Nelson. Mike will explain in details the pitch raising process and any risks associated with pulling your piano up to concert pitch A=440.

A typical tuning takes around 90 minutes and includes minor repairs or sticking keys, Hammer shaping and voicing.

A piano should be tuned annually but this can depend on numerous factors like humidity, placement, age of instrument and playing style etc