Expert Piano Tuning Services in Nelson, Tasman & Marlborough

Fully qualified piano tuning services covering the top of the south island, NZ. Clients include Chamber Music NZ, Adam International Festival, NCMA, ASB Theatre, NZSO.

Expert Piano Tuning Services

Trained in the UK with over 30 years experience.

Professional Tuning

From Concert tuning to domestic tuning including voicing, pitch raise and regulation

Repairs and Regulation

All repairs from sticking keys to hammer replacement, damper repairs etc.

Appraisal and Advice

Friendly advice including valuations, purchasing a piano, how to maintain your instrument and more

Not just piano tuning...

Mike is a professional composer and recording engineer having produced the very first EP by Coldplay. He also runs a successful Music Production Library with over 200 licensed tracks which feature on global TV shows as well as Radio and Cinema placements. This means Mike has an acute ear for all things piano related including tuning, voicing and regulation.

Mike Beever Piano Music

Get in Touch with MEB Piano Tuning

Contact Mike Beever Piano Tuning for expert piano tuning services in the top of the South Island, New Zealand.

Enner Glynn, Nelson 7011


Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm